Seek guidance from your child from the cerebral palsy books

Cerebral palsy is basically a kind of neurological disorder which affects a person during childhood or infancy and can affect the body movement as well as the muscle coordination. The muscles are affected because of the parts which are affected that control these muscle movements. Around 10,000 kids are diagnosed with this problem every year.

It’s really a tough time for the parents to come over this news. At such a difficult time, cerebral palsy can help them in coping up with their distress, which is quite natural. Thus, the parents need not worry since there are many people to offer their support and piece of advice in the form of books.

It is of great importance to consult your doctor and be in touch with him to know about the different facts and latest updates of the disease. However, you definitely would want someone who can relate to what you are going through. Most of these books are written by those authors who have experienced this problem. As such this can offer a lot of help and comfort since you have a first-hand account of what your child will face. This will keep you mentally prepared and what all you can do to help your child as well as prevent the situation from worsening. One of the books recommended by most of the people is ‘Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Parents’ Guide by Elaine Gerlais’.

In this book, you will come across a lot of content compiled from medical specialists, therapists, educators as well as parents. Other things like diagnosis, medical issues, family life, legal rights, early intervention, coping, therapies, treatment, development, advocacy, special education and daily care. There is a second edition available which contains information on latest treatments available for seizures; medications for muscles spasticity and drooling; treatments for gastro esophageal reflux; communication devices and toys as well as other kind of devices.

You would also fine many other books on this subject. Another book is by Freeman Miller, M.D. and Steven J. Bachrach, M.D. which is entitled ‘Cerebral Palsy: A Complete Guide for Caregiving’. This book covers a number of issues which bother parents. The book is in the question and answer format to rest the doubts of the parents. Three major forms of cerebral palsy: diplegia, hemiplegia and quadriplegia are covered in the book.

The best part is that these books are available at cheaper rates and in fact their free publications are available as well. You can also get a lot of help from the books published by the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. They publish pamphlets, fact sheets which can be obtained free of cost or downloaded in the PDF format. Such books are of great help in removing the hurdles in your child’s path.

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