RECOGNIZE THE EARLY SIGNS OF CEREBRAL PALSY IN YOUR BABYEarly sign of cerebral palsy are usually noticeable when the child reaches at the age of three. It is at this stage parents realize that their child is not developing the normal babys motor skills. Generally the symptoms of cerebral palsy in infants are known when they delay in developing viz. roll on, sit, crawl, smile, laugh or walk. Another sign of cerebral palsy seen in some of the infants is abnormal muscle tone which may either be hypotonia (relaxed) or hypertonia (rigid). The signs of cerebral palsy also include the unusual posture in infants that means the infants sits or walks leaned more on any one side.
National Institutes of Health says that Apgar score at 10 to 20 minutes after delivery can also be one of the signs of cerebral palsy. But Apgar score may also indicate other problems therefore it is not a good indicator. Cerebral palsy usually develops in the children who have low birth weights i.e. less than 5.5 pounds at birth, premature birth which can be less than 37 weeks into pregnancy, or if they are one among twins, triplets etc. However the greatest risk of cerebral palsy is involved in an infant who has pre-term birth i.e. birth before 32 weeks gestation. But take a deep sigh of relief and just relax, the ratio of pre mature birth is just 10 percent of which just 10 percent of the infants will have brain damage thus resulting in cerebral palsy or some other brain abnormality. There are also the people who believe that the baby might have injured in the birthing process due to some reason, asphyxia (Meconium etc) could be one. A smaller poor sucking reflux is another early sign of brain injury. An infant with a brain injury is generally than other children of his/her age. An unusually sleepy infant, or doesnt smile, or cries with incessant high pitch or who wakes up with some sort of difficulty may be feeds is also an early sign of cerebral palsy. According
to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) early signs of
cerebral palsy based on age are following. A two months child may
face difficulty controlling head on picking him up and stiff legs
which can be even cross. A 6 months child may continue to have difficulty
controlling head when picked up, reach with just one hand while keeping
the other one in a fist. A 10 months old child may crawl using one
hand and leg while dragging the other in opposite or may not be able
to sit on his/her own.
Well these early signs will help you out in early diagnosis since most of the parents notice the symptoms in their child at the age of not less than three. This will surely help you in proper diagnosis thus starting the treatment for the abnormality in the early stage itself. | Fulfilling nutritional requirements of the child with cerebral palsy | HOW LONG A PERSON WITH CEREBRAL PALSY LIVE | Is it possible to prevent cerebral Palsy! Few things to keep in mind to make your child protected | Medication for cerebral palsy and the side effects | RECOGNIZE THE EARLY SIGNS OF CEREBRAL PALSY IN YOUR BABY | Seek guidance from your child from the cerebral palsy books | SEEK THE BEST HELP FOR CEREBRAL PALSY |
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