Cerebral palsy risk factors

Cerebral palsy risk factors can be compared with the causes for the cerebral palsy, but the risk factors are not the causes. The Cerebral palsy risk factors are variable when present and it increases the chances for the occurrence of something else.

The cerebral palsy risk factors do not mean that cerebral palsy will occur to the child, or the absence of risk factors does mean that cerebral palsy will not occur to the child. The presence of cerebral palsy risk factors is to alert parents and care taking professionals to become more vigilant about the child's development.

The cerebral palsy risk factors can be related with the parents or the child. The risk factors related with parents can increase the risk of cerebral palsy.If the mother is getting pregnant after the age of forty or before the age of twenty then it will not be in favor of the child and the cerebral palsy risk factors are increased.

Rh or ABO blood type inappropriateness between mother and infant, infection to the mother during the pregnancy by German measles or other virus is also the cause for cerebral palsy risk factors.

Just like the mother the father of the child also has the restriction like he should not be below his twentieth age while giving the birth to a child, which can also increase the chances of cerebral palsy risk factors to the infant.

The risk factors related with the child is that the very first birth and fifth or above in the family may have the increased cerebral palsy risk factors. In multiple births, especially if the one of the pair dies, then the other child will be in the threat of cerebral palsy risk factors.

Premature birth and the infant with less weight will also have the cerebral palsy risk factors. Any severe attack by micro-organisms to the central nervous system of child can give many disabilities and increased cerebral palsy risk factors.

Several babies born with cerebral palsy may be having observable signs of nervous system deformity, like an abnormal size of head [microcephaly]. These kinds of signs suggest that problems were there during the development of nervous system when the child is in womb.

The bleeding in vagina during the time of sixth to ninth months of pregnancy or severe proteinuria (excess proteins in urine) are connected to a cerebral palsy risk factors to a baby with cerebral palsy. Mental retardation, maternal hyper-thyroids, or seizures to the pregnant mother will have the chances to increase the risk factors.

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