Cerebral palsy case study

Cerebral palsy is a group of disabilities effecting the body functions and muscle management. As per the medical definition the cerebral palsy is a non-progressive disorder but unchanging the disabilities like unusual movement and posture, due to the damage or abnormality in the developing brain. Growth of the brain starts in early stage of pregnancy and continues until the age of three.

The cerebral palsy case study shows that if there is any damage happening to the brain during this developing period may result the cerebral palsy. The damages to the brain will cause for the interference in the communication between the brain and the body. Every person affected by cerebral palsy is unique.

Cerebral palsy causes for many different types of disabilities, ranging from mild to severe, with various causes, which affects the individuals in many ways. A cerebral palsy affected child will be struggling with a number of medical and functional problems.

In Canada, the cerebral palsy affected people with disabilities are having access to the widest ranges of supports like therapy services, medical intervention, equipments, educational and employment opportunities.

The cerebral palsy case study shows that the cerebral palsy is not the barrier to lead an enjoyable and productive life. However, practically the person with cerebral palsy should have to overcome some additional challenges to achieve the goal of an enjoyable and productive life.

The proper information about the available choices and the opportunities is the first step for managing and leading the life with these challenges.The disabilities due to the cerebral palsy differ from person to person.

The mildest stage of cerebral palsy will have only the awkwardness of movements and hand functions. But the severe condition of the cerebral palsy will cause for many disabilities like loss of muscle control, disability to walk and speak, hearing impair ness, and vision problems.

The disabilities of the affected are depending up on the severity of damage and area of damage happen to the brain. The cerebral palsy case study shows that the damages to the brain causes for the disabilities like inflexibility or tightness of muscles [spasm], uncontrolled movements, loss of gross motor skills like walking and running, loss of fine motor skills like speaking and learning, and Abnormal sensation and perception.

All the above disorders will cause for other associated problems like feeding, poor bladder functions, bowel problems, breathing problems, and irregular blood circulation. It is important to keep in mind that, because of the disability of a person to speak does not mean that he has nothing to say or inform.

The condition of physical inability experienced by a person with cerebral palsy is not the sign of his level of intelligence. Different case studies of the cerebral palsy affected children have confirmed the above facts of cerebral palsy.

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