Cerebral palsy symptoms and treatment

Before knowing the symptoms or treatment of Cerebral palsy it is important to clearly know what exactly is Cerebral palsy? Well cerebral palsy occurs when certain area of the brain develops abnormally or it may be due to the injury caused to the brain of infant especially before the delivery when the child was in womb. Majorly these areas contribute in the proper functioning of motor system. These areas are responsible for the proper coordination of body movement and postures.

The causes of cerebral palsy can be head injury, rubella, chicken pox, and bacterial meningitis, cytomegalovirus that is quite similar to flu, viral encephalitis, strokes, or lack to oxygen to the brain. Along with there are other cause but most occur before the delivery or at quite an early stage of life.

Now we come to some of the major symptoms of Cerebral palsy that are majorly into four types as described under comprehensively:

First is some of the common signs or symptoms of Cerebral palsy that may include delay in the development in child’s motor function like in walking, crawling, and sitting up or rolling over or smiling. The child may also encounter hypotonia it is when the muscles have decreased tone. Even Some times the child may encounter mental retardation
Another major symptom is Spastic Cerebral Palsy it is one of the most common form. Found in 70% to 80 % of the total cerebral cases.

In this, the muscles are permanently contracted and tend to become stiff. In addition, the child may find difficulty in walking or crawling or the legs may turn in at the knees. The child may encounter diplegia in which, either both arms or both legs tremor, hemiplegia in it limbs of only one side of the body are affected, quadriplegia is when all the four limbs are affected along with major problem in mouth, monopeligia it is quite rarer and affects only one limb and triplegia in which tree limbs are majorly affected.

Athetoid Cerebral Palsy is another type of symptom, which is not that common and is found in only 10 to 20 % of Cerebral palsy patients. Then is Ataxic Cerebral palsy, which is also quite rarer and found only in 5 to 10 % of the total cases affecting the coordination, depth perception, and balance and finally is the Mixed form Cerebral palsy when there occurs the characteristics of two of the forms explained before. Sometimes it may in club the characteristics of three.

Knowing the symptoms now, we would focus on stem cell treatment of cerebral palsy. It involves the building of stem cells that can rally restore the function to the injured or the debilitated tissues and organs. For the very purpose the embryonic- like stem cells have been found in the umbilical cord blood and are being used continuously for various neurological disorder in which Cerebral palsy included.

Although the Cerebral palsy may occur before the birth of child but stem cells treatment is proving a bit in treating the patients of Cerebral palsy.

| An overview of Quadriplegic Spastic Cerebral Palsy | An overview of Spina bifida cerebral palsy | Cerebral Palsy among Infants | Cerebral Palsy and its Classification | Cerebral palsy symptoms and treatment | DIFFICULT COMBINATION OF CEREBRAL PALSY AND AGING | Rehabilitation for children with Cerebral Palsy | What is a CEREBRAL PALSY WHEELCHAIR |

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