Cerebral palsy genetics

Cerebral palsy is the disturbance in motor skills [both fine motor and gross motor skills]. This disturbance is due to the damage in some part of the brain that controls the motor skills.

The main reason for the brain damage is the injury to the brain at the time of delivery or at the time of late pregnancy.Though there are so many causes for cerebral palsy, hereditory factor cannot be ruled out as in some case hereditary factor plays a role in the development of cerebral palsy.

In some cases, cerebral palsy incidence is more to the child born to the mother who was suffering from mental retardation. In some other cases if the child is diagnosed for cerebral palsy, while going through the family history the scientist find out that the elder sibling is suffering from motor deficit.

In some cases the child born to the mother who used to have maternal seizures is found to have cerebral palsy. In some other cases the child born after two or three consecutive fetal death is diagnosed for cerebral palsy. As per the things discussed above one can discern that there is certainly a genetic link for cerebral palsy though it is not very clear as of now.

The genetic factor may be one of the few causes that results in cerebral palsy or it may be a sole cause for the cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is noticed more in cultures where the marriage happens between more related individual.

Cerebral palsy occurrence is more in certain isolated locations where people get married to the other person belonging to the same location. For example cerebral palsy is more among Amish [North America] as per a study conducted in the year 1991.

In an yet another study that was conducted on cerebral palsy it became evident the incidence is more in a family which has or had cerebral palsy earlier than the family that is free of cerebral palsy.

In case of twin pregnancy, if any one of the twin dies the chance of getting cerebral palsy for the other twin is more inspire of the whether the twins are identical or not. If the twins share same placenta, if any one child has cerebral palsy in most cases the other child also will have cerebral palsy.

The genetic factor for cerebral palsy is not very common at the same it is not well understood also. In some families the rate of recurrence is only ten percent. As far as ataxia cerebral palsy is concerned one third of the cases are due to recessive autosomal disorder.

In the two third of ataxic cases metabolic and genetic disease incidence is more. As far as spastic paraplegia is concerned the incidence is more in certain families.

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