Cerebral palsy cureCerebral palsy is not a curable condition but the condition of disabilities can be managed to improve by regular exercises and therapies. The word treatment may not be suitable in the case of cerebral palsy cure and it should be the management of the condition of the sufferer.
Many things can be done to reduce the effect of cerebral palsy and we can help the affected person to lead a normal and independent life. There are institutions and associations with dedicated professionals to manage with the cerebral palsy affected patients. All kinds of involvements and therapies may not be suitable for each patient and the parents of the cerebral palsy affected people are the key persons to decide the right activities to manage their child. Some parents may involve their child in all the option to select the best one for their child. Physical therapy is for carrying out with the plan to help the cerebral palsy affected people to achieve their potential for physical mobility to lead a normal life and not for the cerebral palsy cure. The physical therapy includes the regular exercises, correct positioning of the body parts, and training for the alternate ways for movements with the help of walkers, bracings, wheelchair and other adaptive equipments. Occupational therapy is arranged to increase the ability of the patients to handle the things, which they require for their daily life. The proposed activities are to increase the controlling power through the tuning of fine motor skills of the brain. Occupational therapy helps the cerebral palsy children to use adaptive apparatus used for feeding, seating and bathroom aids. Speech therapy is designed to improve the communication skill of the patient. A cerebral palsy affected person may be in need of help to overcome a simple pronunciation problem, or some person can not speak verbally and may require non-verbal messaging systems like eye-gaze systems, blissymbol boards, and electronic voice synthesizers. In some cases the doctor will recommend for the orthopedic and soft-tissue surgery, which will help the patients to encounter the effect of damaged spasticity on the spine, hips, and legs. Transferring the tendons or lengthening the tendons can be achieved by the surgical methods, which will help the cerebral palsy patient to move easily.
method of surgery is the bone surgery for the re-positioning and stabilization
of the bones. Neurosurgery is also a useful method for strengthening
the nervous system that controls the muscles. The surgery involves
selective posterior rhizotomy planned for decreasing the spasticity
by separating few nerve roots in the spine. Copyright - © 2006 - 2025 |